This collection of 3D models of geologic strata, structures, and hand samples was created using structure from motion (SfM) photogrammetry from multiple still images in the Northern Arizona University Sedimentary Geology laboratory using Agisoft Metashape. Credit to NSF for funding this effort. See for more information on how SfM works. These models are offered for free for all for non-commercial purposes. To view these models in 3D, use the free Adobe Acrobat Reader. First, right click on the link and save the PDF file to your computer. Second, open the file with Acrobat Reader, then under options, select ‘trust this document’. Finally, left click once on the screen to make the model appear. Use the shift and control keys to navigate. By right clicking on the screen, you can activate the ‘3D measurement tool’ from the tool toolbar to measure distances, fault separations, stratal thicknesses, etc…