reduced file size version (more functional for some computers): franconia_lacrosse_reduced
Cross-bedded glauconitic sandstone of the Franconia Formation (Tunnel City Group in local lore) exposed on Grandad Bluff, La Crosse, WI.
reduced file size version (more functional for some computers): franconia_lacrosse_reduced
Cross-bedded glauconitic sandstone of the Franconia Formation (Tunnel City Group in local lore) exposed on Grandad Bluff, La Crosse, WI.
Slab showing large circular trace fossils within the Upper Cambrian Mount Simon-Wonewoc Sandstone, displayed in the entryway of Weeks Hall, University of Wisconsin-Madison.
reduced file size version (more functional for some computers): van_hise_rock_reduced
Deformed Precambrian strata near Baraboo, WI, showing different deformation styles resulting from different protolith compositions.