Wilkins Peak and overlying Laney members of the lacustrine Green River Formation exposed in the canyon of the Green River at Lauder Slide, Wyoming. From several photosets taken from a small plane.
Wilkins Peak and overlying Laney members of the lacustrine Green River Formation exposed in the canyon of the Green River at Lauder Slide, Wyoming. From several photosets taken from a small plane.
Lacustrine, deltaic, and fluvial strata of the Wilkins Peak Member of the Green River Formation, Firehole Canyon, Wyoming.
Lovell Wash Mb. Horse Spring Fm. (Miocene) fossil hot spring
Tilted carbonate lacustrine strata of the Miocene Lovell Wash Member of the Horse Springs Formation are host to 3-dimensional exposure of a paleo-hot spring capped by travertine pools. The brecciated region beneath the pools is silicified and likely transmitted hot fluids upwards towards a saline, alkaline lake.