Lacustrine, deltaic, and fluvial strata of the Wilkins Peak Member of the Green River Formation, Firehole Canyon, Wyoming.
Lacustrine, deltaic, and fluvial strata of the Wilkins Peak Member of the Green River Formation, Firehole Canyon, Wyoming.
Paleocene deep marine sandstone of the ‘Merle’ Formation showing erosional truncation of levee deposits by overlying channel deposits.
Lacustrine Luman Member of the Green River Formation lies atop alluvial Wasatch Formation, Red Creek Rim, Wyoming. From a small plane.
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Cyclothems of the Pennsylvanian Morgan Formation exposed in the canyon of the Yampa River, Dinosaur National Monument, Colorado. Alternating intervals of blue-gray limestone and orange cross-stratified sandstone record repeated glacio-eustatic sea level fluctuations. Photosets acquired from raft.
Ordovician carbonates of the Platteville Formation overlie slope-forming mudstones of the Glenwood Formation exposed in roadcut along Limestone Road, Cannon Falls, MN.
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Roadcut of Pennsylvanian Hermosa Group strata exposed between Molas Pass and Engineer Pass along US 550, San Juan Mountains, Colorado. Amalgamated cross-bedded, lenticular arkosic sandstone bodies and fine-grained mudstone partings with complex bedding relationships.
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Roadcut of Late Cambrian Jordan Sandstone and overlying Ordovician Oneota Dolomite along Wabasha County 26, near Weaver, MN, illustrating large-scale crossbeds and unconformable formation boundary.
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Ordovician carbonates and marls of the Platteville Formation exposed in roadcut along Goodhue County 14, Sogn, MN.
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Cross-bedded glauconitic sandstone of the Franconia Formation (Tunnel City Group in local lore) exposed on Grandad Bluff, La Crosse, WI.
Ripples on a sandstone slab.
Slab showing large circular trace fossils within the Upper Cambrian Mount Simon-Wonewoc Sandstone, displayed in the entryway of Weeks Hall, University of Wisconsin-Madison.
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Finely bedded Ordovician carbonates and marls of the Platteville Formation, Mississippi River bluffs, Saint Paul, MN. Close up of coarse shell lag within the bed that crops out halfway up the section on the right side of the image below.
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Large roadcut of Late Cambrian Jordan Sandstone and overlying Ordovician Oneota Dolomite between Stockton and Lewiston, MN, illustrating low-angle bedding, intraclasts, and several scales of cross-stratification.
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Cross-stratified Late Cambrian Jordan Sandstone, Homer, MN.
Early Ordovician carbonates of the Shakopee Formation of the Prairie du Chien Group exposed in the valleys of the Cannon River and Lyman Creek in Northfield, MN.
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Late Paleocene-Early Eocene conglomeratic alluvial fan deposits exposed on the upturned south face of Richards Mountain, on the north edge of the Uinta Mountains. Cliffs typically correspond to boulder conglomerate deposits. The Powell expeditions and subsequent workers discovered that its lowermost deposits contain predominantly Cretaceous clasts, while clasts at the top of the deposit contain Precambrian metasediments of the Uinta Mountain group, in total recording unroofing of the nearby Uinta Uplift. Images taken from small aircraft.
Lovell Wash Mb. Horse Spring Fm. (Miocene) fossil hot spring
Tilted carbonate lacustrine strata of the Miocene Lovell Wash Member of the Horse Springs Formation are host to 3-dimensional exposure of a paleo-hot spring capped by travertine pools. The brecciated region beneath the pools is silicified and likely transmitted hot fluids upwards towards a saline, alkaline lake.
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Marine sandstone of the Oligocene Vaqueros Formation containing macroscopic soft-sedimentary deformation and meter-scale bedforms.
Subtly incised Permian Kaibab Limestone overlain by Triassic Moenkopi Formation, Lee’s Ferry, AZ.
Late Paleozoic cyclothems of the Paradox and Honaker Trail Formations exposed by the canyon of the San Juan River. Photoset taken from opposite canyon rim, near the historic Honaker Trail, Bears Ears National Monument, UT.
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Complexly-deformed Proterozoic metasediments exposed in the upper Verde valley catchment, Arizona.
Permian terrestrial strata of the Hermit Formation containing interesting fluvial bedforms, Dry Beaver Creek, AZ.
This collection of 3D models of geologic strata, structures, and hand samples was created using structure from motion (SfM) photogrammetry from multiple still images in the Northern Arizona University Sedimentary Geology laboratory using Agisoft Metashape. Credit to NSF for funding this effort. See for more information on how SfM works. These models are offered for free for all for non-commercial purposes. To view these models in 3D, use the free Adobe Acrobat Reader. First, right click on the link and save the PDF file to your computer. Second, open the file with Acrobat Reader, then under options, select ‘trust this document’. Finally, left click once on the screen to make the model appear. Use the shift and control keys to navigate. By right clicking on the screen, you can activate the ‘3D measurement tool’ from the tool toolbar to measure distances, fault separations, stratal thicknesses, etc…
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Tilted lower Paleozoic strata overlie granitic basement on north side of the Turkey Creek valley, Rincon Mountains, Arizona.
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Deformed Precambrian strata near Baraboo, WI, showing different deformation styles resulting from different protolith compositions.
Lacustrine and alluvial strata of the Wilkins Peak Member of the Green River Formation, Firehole Canyon, Wyoming. Constructed from shared images taken by IsoAstro 2019 conference participants.