Ordovician carbonates of the Platteville Formation overlie slope-forming mudstones of the Glenwood Formation exposed in roadcut along Limestone Road, Cannon Falls, MN.
Ordovician carbonates of the Platteville Formation overlie slope-forming mudstones of the Glenwood Formation exposed in roadcut along Limestone Road, Cannon Falls, MN.
reduced file size version (more functional for some computers): sogn_platteville_fm_lowres
Ordovician carbonates and marls of the Platteville Formation exposed in roadcut along Goodhue County 14, Sogn, MN.
reduced file size version (more functional for some computers): platteville_st_paul_reduced
Finely bedded Ordovician carbonates and marls of the Platteville Formation, Mississippi River bluffs, Saint Paul, MN. Close up of coarse shell lag within the bed that crops out halfway up the section on the right side of the image below.
Early Ordovician carbonates of the Shakopee Formation of the Prairie du Chien Group exposed in the valleys of the Cannon River and Lyman Creek in Northfield, MN.